
Not Your Father's Pin-Up Pink Ribbon Calendar 2011

The Pink Ribbon Calendar was an effort from all of us here at Not Your Father's Pin-Up, as well as many outside artists who contributed.

Calendars are $20.00 (US), and $6.01 of the sale of every calendar (aka, the proceeds minus the printing costs and publisher's cut) are going to Pink Ribbon International, to help them raise money to fight breast cancer all over the world. You can find out all about them from their website,

The calendar is published through Lulu, an on demand publisher that ships world wide. Please consider buying a copy here! If you aren't able to buy a copy, but would still like to support, you can either make a donation directly to pink ribbon yourself, or simply pass on word about the calendar to friends and family.

If you are an artist that might be interested in doing something similar with us again sometime, great! We are hoping to be able to do many projects here in the future, so keep an eye on the blog for more info!

Calendars Sold To Date (Jan 09, 2011): 33
 Total Money Raised: $198.33