First of all, congratulations and thanks to Guido (yoitisi) and Pat (smugbug) for their entries to the banner contest being chosen! You can check out the awesome new banner now. :D

In other news!
I've been chatting with a few of the other artists here and we're thinking about doing a Not Your Father's Pin-Up Calendar for Charity*.
*lame name not finalized!
Basically, our idea was asking you lovely folks to submit either already-made art, or to create new art, for a 2011 calendar featuring lovely ladies. The calendars would be produced through a print-on-demand site (probably but I'm exploring other options right now as well) and all profits would be given to Pink Ribbon International, a non-profit international charity that raises money for Breast Cancer awareness and research.
We felt that a Breast Cancer Research charity was a really good fit for Not Your Father's Pin-Up, though we're also considering (If any of you are interested) in doing a male pin-up calendar and giving the profits to a prostate cancer charity.
Right now we're just trying to figure out who's interested in participating, so please either comment here or message me on twitter, or email, etc, if you're interested or have questions, etc.
We were thinking, for now, not to generate any particular theme, but maybe if we can have a streak of pink or pastel colours run through the calendar, that would be nice. :]
EDIT: If you're interested, please check out the submission guidelines!
I totally love this idea! I'd love to participate but I think your regular contributors are wayyyy more ideal than my mediocre butt.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you need me though, actual ideas are already running around my brain -- it's been a complete desert lately so having an idea is a pleasant feeling. 8)
That sounds like an awesome idea! <3 Would it be for the 'Contributers' only or could anyone submit an image?
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to submit an image! I can't guarantee that everything will make it into the final product, but it would be great to get as much work as possible! :] Email it to me at daestwen at gmail dot com!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! This is a wonderful idea! Jennifer, you so should do this.
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful idea, I'd love to participate :D
ReplyDeleteWhen's the deadline? I'm in. I think I said that. Oh I don't know. My head's so damned swooshy right now I can barely think straight!
ReplyDeleteAs of right now, there is no deadline - though obviously, I think, we'd want it by mid-november so that we can get the calendars printed and sent out in time for christmas and for january. :P
ReplyDeleteO right, another question- do our images need to be horizontal to be considered for the calendar?
ReplyDeleteYeah, you'll want it to fit into 11.5 x 8, horizontally.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of also putting art in the calender portions as an overlay sort of thing, and these can be more vertically oriented, but the main page illustrations will have to fit the calendar layout.
I've wanted to submit here something fierce, but life got in the way. I REALLY wanna do the calendar, though! Count me in!
ReplyDeleteI've been such a bum for not submitting anything yet, so there's no way I'll miss out on this! Count me in. Sounds like an awesome project all the way around!
ReplyDeletePoo, didn't see this - I'm in ,working on something but it might be a little heavy for a pinup. Will see when I get closer to finish. Either way I'll have something :)
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I'm in too of course! Just posted a sketch up in my sketchbook: Pin-up Calendar Sketch
ReplyDeleteI will go ahead and contribute something. Thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteOh, cool idea! I'd love to take part!!! Mx